Gabe's Armie (1986) Bombs Away (1988) The Lotus Eaters (1993) Children of Alcohol (1984) Never a Dull Moment (1979) Great Grand Mother (1975) Teach Me to Dance (1978) One's a Heifer (1984) To Set Our House in Order (1985) Angel Square (1990) Tell Me If It Hurts (1934) The Clue of the Missing Ape (1953) Saadia (1953) Peril for the Guy (1956) The Man Without a Body (1957) Just My Luck (1957) The Mystery in the Mine (1959) Follow That Horse! (1960) Walk a Crooked Path (1969) The Engagement (1970) All at Sea (1970) What Became of Jack and Jill? (1972) That's Your Funeral (1972) Cynthia Payne's House of Cyn (1995) Male Bait (1971) Mastermind (1976) Vampire Vs. Sorcerer (1990) No Money, No Funey (1990) Dissarray (1991) Hijack (1975) On the Third Day (1983) Knights & Emeralds (1986) Paradise Motel (1984) Between the Lies (1997) В объятьях тьмы (1999) The Trick (1997) Shadow Man (2002) Butterfly World (2003) Moth (2004) 24:7 (1997) Bedford Springs (2002) El Sol del membrillo (1992) Kasbah (2000) Sé infiel y no mires con quién (1985) Territorio Comanche (1997) Без стыда (2001) La Luce sul monte (1959) Heaven on Earth (1960) La Guerra continua (1962) Планета вампиров (1965)
| Conquest (1998) Адам и зло (2004) Drummer Boy (2002) Неидеальное убийство (2004) Searching for Roger Taylor (2000) Rita Steele: Private Heart (1983) Cosmic Banditos (2008) The Beaver Trilogy (2000) Bob (1999) Cow Monkey (2001) Biography: Kim Fields: A Little Somethin' Somethin' (2001) Mulligan Farm (2001) Silent Bomb (1994) Бетти (1992) Nuits blanches (1996) Cyb-elle (2000) Blessure (1985) Баловень судьбы (1988) Transit (1991) Weibsbilder (1996) Une minute de silence (1998) Пес в мешке (1999) Saraka bô (1997) Parties (2000) Sur le bout des doigts (2002) Mémoires d'un flic (1956) Les Aventures de Till L'Espiègle (1956) Michel Strogoff (1956) Feu aux poudres, Le (1957) Aventurière des Champs-Élysées, L' (1957) Ce sacré Amédée (1957) Les Violents (1957) La Brune que voilà (1960) Domenica d'estate, Una (1962) Мегрэ и гангстеры (1963) Великолепный авантюрист (1963) La Jeune morte (1965) Specialisti, Gli (1969) Die Weibchen (1970) Un condé (1970) Êtes-vous fiancée à un marin grec ou à un pilote de ligne? (1971) С Новым годом! (1973) Projection privée (1973) Uomo, una città, Un (1974) Почему убивают судей (1974) Per amare Ofelia (1974) Al piacere di rivederla (1976) Les Fougères bleues (1977) Уйти и вернуться (1985) Радости любви (1991)
| Secret défense (1998) Bonjour Monsieur Doisneau ou Le photographe arrosé (1992) Дальше некуда (1976) Chasseur de chez Maxim's, Le (1976) Кружевница (1977) Amour à mort, L' (1984) Мело (1986) La Puritaine (1986) Ванильно-клубничное мороженое (1989) Три года (1990) Бесплодные иллюзии (1999) Dokomademo ikô (1999) Капли дождя на раскаленных скалах (2000) Alpsee (1995) Fremd gehen. Gespräche mit meiner Freundin (2000) Tschetan, der Indianerjunge (1973) Nordsee ist Mordsee (1976) Moritz, lieber Moritz (1978) Im Herzen des Hurrican (1980) Der Madonna-Mann (1987) The Year of My Japanese Cousin (1995) Havre (1986) Квазимодо (1999) Im Labyrinth (2003) Necrofilia (1985) Gémeo Diferente, O (1991) Palace (1996) Submarí a les estovalles, Un (1991) Ya nabil (1993) Noir comme le souvenir (1995) Ô trouble (1999) Les Filles du douze (2000) Hiver sera rude, L' (2001) Nuomos sutartis (2002) Tofolaria (1986) Памяти минувшего дня (1990) Qui sait? (1999) Anywhere Out of the World (2000) Elle et lui au 14ème étage (2000) Aquarium, L' (2001) Любовь и прочие неприятности (2001) Strangulations blues (1980) Two Brothers, a Girl and a Gun (1993) The Plaids (2000) Turning Away (1998) The Pill (1999) Interviews with My Next Girlfriend (2002) Герой поневоле (2003) In Search of the Last Good Man (1989) It's a Party (1986)