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Фильмы с участием Теодор Рузвельт

Найдено фильмов: 23

I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper (2005)
41.11 по цельсию (2004)
Обман в Панаме (1992)
In the Blood (1989)
The Indomitable Teddy Roosevelt (1986)
Legendary Champions (1968)
Was der Wehrmachtsbericht verschwieg (1963)
Fifty Years Before Your Eyes (1950)
Let's Go to the Movies (1949)
Уилсон (1944)
Forgotten Treasure (1943)
The Film That Was Lost (1942)
Sweetheart of the Campus (1941)
Trifles of Importance (1940)
The Conquerors (1932)
Roosevelt i Danmark (1910)
Pres. Roosevelt's Fourth of July Oration (1903)
Launch of the Kaiser's Yacht 'Meteor' (1902)
Christening and Launching Kaiser Wilhelm's Yacht 'Meteor' (1902)
Installation Ceremonies, Columbia University (1902)
President Roosevelt at the Army-Navy Game (1901)
President Roosevelt Entering Grounds at Army-Navy Football Game (1901)
Opening of the Pan-American Exposition Showing Vice President Roosevelt Leading the Procession (1901)

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