Tourist Go Home (1959) Road of Iron (1955) On Guard with U.N.E.F. (1959) Neptune Mission (1958) 5BX Plan for Physical Fitness (1959) Canada's Armed Forces 1957 (1957) Repairs to Reinforced Plastic Boats (1960) With the R.C.A.F. in Europe (1958) Time to Live (1964) Explosives: A Construction Aid (1958) Lacrosse (1964) Blindness (1964) Canada's Armed Forces 1958 (1958) Control of Inmates (1965) R.C.A.F. Nuclear Defence: H Hour Now (1959) Centennial Travellers (1965) How Do You Drive? (1959) Explosives: Under Sentence (1959) Helicopter Canada (1966) Let's Discuss Smoking (1964) Twenty-four Hours in Czechoslovakia (1968) Buenos Aires Souvenir (2001) Custodial Procedures (1964) High Risk Offender (1998) The Prison Community (1965) Steeltown (1966) Marius Barbeau et le folklore canadien-français (1959) Grand film ordinaire, Le (1971) Kebeckootut (1975) Waiting for Caroline (1967) Si Québec m'était conté (1977) Revolution's Orphans (1979) Mémoire battante (1983) Оазис (1955) The Intruder (1981) Marius Barbeau et l'art totémique (1959) Singing in the Shadow: The Children of Rock Royalty (2003) La Science prodigieuse des Pharaons (1976) Canada vignettes: La mer enligne nos terres (1979) Canada Vignettes: Acadian Quadrille (1978) Les Droits humains et l'alimentation (1979) Les Traces du rêve (1986) Pukuanipanan (1980) Marastoon: The Place Where One Is Helped (1979) Investigating Tarzan (1997) On est rendus devant le monde! (1981) Mistress Madeleine (1986) Tu ne tueras point (1991) Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine (1962) Trois exercices sur l'écran d'épingles d'Alexeieff (1974)
| Jean-Robert Ouellet (1968) Tout le temps, tout le temps, tout le temps? (1970) Jacques Grandmaison (1968) La Noce est pas finie (1971) Édouard Sarrazin (1968) Homme et le froid, L' (1971) Conférence de M. Jean Marchand (1968) Gore Road (1972) Tranquillement, pas vite (1972) Child, Part 1: Jamie, Ethan and Marlon: The First Two Months (1973) Comité des chômeurs, Le (1968) Do It Yourself (1969) I Hate to Lose (1977) Class Project: The Garbage Movie (1980) The Cartoon Film (1969) Small Smoke at Blaze Creek (1971) The Buildings Already Begun (1967) Question de vie (1971) Vivre entre les mots (1972) Cosmic Zoom (1968) Un entretien sur la mécanologie II (1970) 180 Is Max (1972) Their Roots Run Deep (1968) Child, Part 3: Debbie and Robert: 12-24 Months (1974) River with a Problem (1961) A Life of Adventure (1965) You're Eating for Two (1977) The Last Days of Living (1980) Where Mrs. Whalley Lives (1966) Dief! (1981) Test 0558 (1965) Mother-Child-Community (1948) The Forest (1966) La Mer mi-sel (1974) Белая магия (1949) Un entretien sur la mécanologie I (1970) A Tiny Thing Brings Death (1949) Меморандум (1965) Zero Point One (1964) The Last Jewel (1949) Joey (1964) Flying Goods Wagon (1949) Each Day That Comes (1966) Textiles (1956) Land of Bengal (1957) Congress Session 1947 (1947) Fifty Miles from Poona (1957) Congress Session 1948 (1948) Jeevan Ki Nadiaan (1959) General Motors in India (1949)
| Coir Worker (1961) US Vice President Humphrey Visits India (1966) Вода (1968) A Village in Travancore (1956) Женщины Индии (1975) Iron and Steel (1956) The Ganga Bridge (1982) Interview with Jawaharlal Nehru (1958) The Vanishing Tribe (1959) New Marketplace (1961) Poen (1967) Comparative Religions (1962) North (1968) The Weavers (1965) The House That Ananda Built (1968) Imperial Sunset (1967) Canada Vignettes: Trees (1978) The Last Raja (1972) Look at Us Now (1974) There Is Another Way (1976) Canada Vignettes: Newfoundland (1978) A Small Family (1976) The Warning Signal (1980) People of India: The Anglo Indians (1985) God Help the Man Who Would Part with His Land (1971) La Grande volière (1948) William Lyon Mackenzie: A Friend to His Country (1961) Все мои дети (1953) You Are on Indian Land (1969) David Thompson: The Great Mapmaker (1964) Flight (1967) Introduction to Labrador (1970) Pillar of Wisdom (1970) When I Go. That's It! (1972) Judoka (1965) Hard Rider (1972) Maritime sortie (1957) Canada Vignettes: Port Royal (1978) Aviation Fuel Handling, Part 4: Handle with Care: From Compound to Aircraft (1954) Canada Vignettes: Land Bridge (1978) Battalion Intelligence Section (1957) A Young Social Worker Speaks Her Mind (1969) The Thin Blue Line (1958) Sight Unseen (1958) VTR St-Jacques (1969) Canadian Infantrymen (1958) Up Against the System (1969) These Are My People... (1969) Mrs Case (1969) I Don't Think It's Meant for Us (1971)