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Фильмы по жанрам: комедия, боевик, триллер, ужасы, приключения, криминал, фантастика, драма, мелодрама, фэнтези, документальный, вестерн ...
Фильмы по странам: США, Россия, СССР, Франция, Германия, Италия, Великобритания, Канада, Армения, Беларусь, Испания, Индия, Швеция, Гонконг ...
Reception (1967)
Vertige (1969)
The Prince Edward Island Development Plan, Part 2: Four Days in March (1969)
The Prince Edward Island Development Plan, Part 1: Ten Days in September (1969)
The Media Between Us (1969)
A Matter of Fat (1969)
Hôtel-Château (1970)
Cold-Rodders (1970)
Atonement (1970)
A Quiet Wave (1971)
The Other Side of the Ledger: An Indian View of the Hudson's Bay Company (1972)
Les Indrogables (1972)
Beyond Kicks (1972)
Backyard Theater (1972)
Offshore (1973)
Our Land Is Our Life (1974)
Охотники Мистассини (1974)
The Boat That Ian Built (1974)
Bate's Car: Sweet as a Nut (1974)
Port de Montréal, Le (1975)
Musicanada (1975)
Alberta Girls (1975)
A Working Chance (1976)
The Whales Are Waiting (1976)
The Walls Come Tumbling Down (1976)
A Great White Bird (1976)
No Act of God (1977)
Cree Way (1977)
You're Under Arrest! (1979)
Viking Visitors to North America (1979)
Two Dreams of a Nation: The Fortin Family of Quebec and Alberta (1980)
Canada Vignettes: The Performer (1980)
Under New Management (1981)
The Business of Aging (1981)
Les Adeptes (1981)
The Politics of Persuasion (1982)
Learning Ringette (1982)
The Forbes Home (1982)
Cerf-volantiste, Le (1983)
Les Illusions tranquilles (1984)
For Future Generations (1985)
Les Enfants de la télévision (1985)
Dark Lullabies (1985)
Tommy Douglas: Keeper of the Flame (1986)
School in the Bush (1986)
A Long Way from Home (1986)
Keeping the Elephants Away (1986)
Give Me Your Answer True (1987)
Dancing Around the Table, Part One (1987)
Casse-tête chinois pour le judoka (1967)
The Misleading Lady (1916)
The Return of Eve (1916)
The Chaperon (1916)
Сердца любви (1918)
Au clair de la lune (1983)
Âge de la machine, L' (1977)
Misanthrope, Le (1966)
Qui a tiré sur nos histoires d'amour (1986)
Les Maudits sauvages (1971)
Two Years or More (1970)
The Triune Brain (1983)
Rocks at Whiskey Trench (2000)
Is the Crown at War with Us? (2002)
Our Nationhood (2004)
A Child in His Country (1967)
Cerveau gelé (1969)
Modulo: variations sur un design (1973)
Graphic Variations on Telidon by Pierre Moretti (1979)
Bioscope (1984)
Metadata (1971)
The Egg (1971)
Чух-чух (1972)
Modulations (1972)
Eye (1972)
Bleu perdu, Le (1972)
Air! (1972)
This Is a Recorded Message (1973)
The Owl and the Raven: An Eskimo Legend (1973)
Сова выходит замуж за гуся: эскимосская легенда (1974)
Climates (1974)
Lumaaq: An Eskimo Legend (1975)
Homme et le géant, L' (1975)
Duel-Duo (1975)
Démon et merveilles (1977)
Замок на песке (1977)
Legends and Life of the Inuit (1978)
Chairmen (1978)
Luna, Luna, Luna (1981)
Истоки (1981)
Planning Prosperity Together (1970)
Samsara: The Wheel of Life and Death (1972)
A Little Summermusik (1972)
The Jews of Winnipeg (1973)
One Sunday in Canada (1961)
Contracting Out (1965)
Benoît (1965)
Squarejohns (1966)
The Oshawa Kid (1969)
Pavilion (1971)
The India Trip (1971)
Horsing Around (1973)
La Gelure (1968)
Corps et âme (1972)
La Maison qui empêche de voir la ville (1975)
The Art of the Possible (1978)
Ten: The Magic Number (1973)
A Film for Japan (1972)
Matrioska (1970)
What Teacher Expects: The Self-fulfilling Prophecy (1971)
Out of Silence (1971)
Family Planning in Ghana (1973)
Perspectrum (1974)
About VD (1974)
About Puberty and Reproduction (1974)
About Conception and Contraception (1974)
No Apple for Johnny (1977)
Oh Canada (1978)
Child, Part 5: 4 Years - 6 Years (1978)
Canada Vignettes: Bells and Brass (1978)
The Mystery of Bay Bulls (1979)
Canada Vignettes: Cree Hunters (1979)
Canada Vignettes: Northern Seasons (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Dancing Dolls (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Canada's Snowbirds (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Calliope (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Bridge for the Dempster (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Breadmakers (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Arctic Seascape (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Arctic Mission (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Celebration (1981)
The Concert Man (1982)
Double-sens (1972)
La Fleur aux dents (1976)
Grand sabordage, Le (1973)
Affaire Bronswik, L' (1978)
Les Tacots (1974)
Arctic IV (1975)
Sub-Igloo (1973)
Thunderbirds in China (1974)
The Players (1974)
Seven Shades of Pale (1975)
I've Never Walked the Steppes (1975)
Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry (1976)
Canadiens conformes (1974)
La Belle apparence (1979)
Contrecoeur (1983)
Remue-ménage (1996)
Après-ski (1971)
For Gentlemen Only (1976)
Un air de famille (1963)
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