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Фильмы по жанрам: комедия, боевик, триллер, ужасы, приключения, криминал, фантастика, драма, мелодрама, фэнтези, документальный, вестерн ...
Фильмы по странам: США, Россия, СССР, Франция, Германия, Италия, Великобритания, Канада, Армения, Беларусь, Испания, Индия, Швеция, Гонконг ...
The Correctional Process (1964)
22e régiment en Allemagne, Le (1955)
Along Uncharted Shores (1964)
Tu enfanteras dans la joie (1956)
Island Observed (1966)
Ambassadeur reçoit, L' (1956)
Ethiopian Mosaic (1967)
Amitiés haïtiennes: 2e partie - Coumbite (1957)
Au bout de la ligne (1969)
The Maritimes: Traditions and Transitions (1959)
Tickets s.v.p (1973)
Mathematics at Your Fingertips (1961)
Three Seasons (1960)
Louis-Joseph Papineau: The Demi-God (1961)
Lewis Mumford on the City, Part 2: The City - Cars or People? (1963)
Winter Sealing at La Tabatière (1963)
Antigonish (1964)
Stalking Seal on the Spring Ice: Part 2 (1967)
Inmate Training: Part 1 (1966)
Jigging for Lake Trout (1967)
Group Hunting on the Spring Ice: Part 1 (1967)
The Canadian Forces Hydrofoil Ship: Concept and Design (1967)
Fishing at the Stone Weir: Part 1 (1967)
Total Approach (1971)
Building a Kayak: Part 1 (1967)
The People of the Book (1973)
At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 3 (1967)
Turlutte (1960)
On the Sea (1960)
At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 1 (1967)
The Land of Jacques Cartier (1960)
The Jean Richard (1963)
At the Spring Sea Ice Camp: Part 3 (1967)
Attiuk (1963)
Stalking Seal on the Spring Ice: Part 1 (1967)
At the Spring Sea Ice Camp: Part 2 (1967)
Group Hunting on the Spring Ice: Part 3 (1967)
At the Caribou Crossing Place: Part 2 (1967)
Group Hunting on the Spring Ice: Part 2 (1967)
Fishing at the Stone Weir: Part 2 (1967)
At the Autumn River Camp: Part 2 (1967)
Building a Kayak: Part 2 (1967)
Nepal (1975)
At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 4 (1967)
To the Edge of the Universe (1969)
At the Winter Sea Ice Camp: Part 2 (1967)
A Special Place (1970)
At the Spring Sea Ice Camp: Part 1 (1967)
28° Above Below (1973)
Sisters of the Space Age (1974)
Empreintes (2004)
Les Quatre cavaliers de l'apocalypse (1991)
Lundi - Une chaumière, un coeur (1977)
Une vie comme rivière (1996)
Jeudi - À cheval sur l'argent (1977)
Vendredi - Les Chars (1978)
Azzel (1979)
Колыбель для кошки (1974)
Cinéma, cinéma (1985)
La Basse cour (1992)
De quel droit pouvez-vous me faire ça? (1991)
Une leçon de chasse (2001)
1, 2, 3, Coco (1991)
Nightangel (1986)
Plus ça chauffe, plus ça gaze (2000)
Зимние дни (2003)
Les Fusées (2000)
Maille Maille (1987)
Taking Charge (1996)
Paysagiste, Le (1976)
Son est vibration, Le (2000)
Famille et variations (1977)
Coucou l'ourson! (1995)
Chérie, ôte tes raquettes (1975)
This Is Me (1979)
La Lune change (2000)
Балаблок (1972)
Corbeau et le renard, Le (1969)
Ruzz et Ben (2005)
Du coq à l'âne (1973)
Taa Tam (1995)
Dessine-moi une chanson (1991)
The Wind (1998)
The Man Who Stole Dreams (1987)
Une minute de science, s.v.p.! (2000)
Opération levier (2000)
The Orange (1992)
'E' (1981)
La Plage (1978)
Cogne-dur (1979)
That's the Price (1970)
Living Colors (1982)
Les Bibites de Chromagnon (1971)
The Insulation Story (1977)
The Quiet Racket (1966)
Dernier envol (1977)
The Meeting (1966)
To See the World (1992)
Better Housing for the Prairies (1966)
The Tournament (1995)
Coucou, monsieur Edgar! (1999)
After Eve (1967)
Étude en 21 points (1968)
For You, Mr. Bell (1971)
Self-Portrait (1962)
The Sea Kings (1978)
Local 100 (1950)
Do Not Fold, Staple, Spindle, or Mutilate (1967)
From Father to Son (1951)
Dues and the Union (1953)
Vancouver (1954)
9 minutes (1967)
Story of a Newspaper (1954)
Temples of Time (1971)
Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (1954)
Hog Family Supreme (1948)
French Cuisine (1954)
Ordeal by Ice (1945)
Curtain Time in Ottawa (1954)
A Friend at the Door (1950)
Bureau of Missing Persons (1954)
Shawinigan (1951)
The Zoo in Stanley Park (1953)
The Shop Steward (1953)
Aviation Medicine (1954)
Country Magistrate (1953)
Soirée de chantiers (1955)
Workshop for Science (1954)
Vancouver's Chinatown (1954)
Survival in the Bush (1954)
Montréal historique (1955)
Reliques indiennes (1954)
Banff (1955)
Alcoholism (1955)
La Fabrication du papier (1954)
La Vie est courte (1956)
The Doll Factory (1954)
La Coupe du bois en Colombie-Britannique (1954)
Que Dieu vous soit en aide (1956)
Chosen Children (1954)
Better Business Bureau (1954)
Les Nouveaux venus (1957)
Two Countries, One Street (1955)
Mystery in the Kitchen (1958)
Routine Flight (1955)
Les Brûlés (1959)
Child Guidance Clinic (1955)
Lewis Mumford on the City, Part 5: The City as Man's Home (1963)
Les Canadiens français dans l'Ouest (1955)
Backstage at Parliament (1955)
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