All Stuck Up (1915) Call of the Coyote (1934) A Banakie Maiden (1915) The Boundary Line (1915) The Trail of the Thief (1916) Escape (1930) Condemned to Death (1932) Fine Feathers (1915) An Evil of the Slums (1914) Rory o' the Bogs (1913) Hearts and Flowers (1914) Sealed Orders (1914) Scooped by Cupid (1914) Hands Invisible (1914) The Taint of an Alien (1914) Beyond the Trail (1916) Withered Hands (1914) Hand That Rules the World (1914) The Romance of an Actor (1914) Dolores D'Arada, Lady of Sorrow (1914) The Hills of Silence (1914) The Mystery of Wickham Hall (1914) The Severed Hand (1914) And So They Lived Happily Ever After (1914) The Uplift (1916) The Great Ganton Mystery (1913) The Elusive Turkey (1913) The Band Leader (1914) Forget-Me-Not (1917) Back to Broadway (1914) His Unknown Girl (1914) Human Hearts (1922) On Your Toes (1927) Alias the Deacon (1928) The Toll Gate (1920) Trail of Hate (1922) The Freshie (1922) The Knock on the Door (1923) Prepared to Die (1923) Battling Romeo (1925) Countess Veschi's Jewels (1915) Женский бизнес (1920) A Romantic Adventuress (1920) Mother o' Mine (1921) The White Hen (1921) At the Risk of His Life (1914) The Great Experiment (1915) Their Stepmother (1913) The Attic Above (1914) Two Little Vagabonds (1914)
| A Spooky Romance (1923) Tempest Cody, Kidnapper (1919) The Fighting Line (1919) Willie Stayed Single (1915) Almost a Hero (1915) Three Johns (1916) The Hoyden (1916) Rose of the Rancho (1914) Outlawed (1921) The Hiding of Black Bill (1918) The Other Man (1918) The Song of the Soul (1918) A Gentleman's Agreement (1918) Yankee Speed (1924) King of the Circus (1920) The Handsome Brute (1925) Her Code of Honor (1919) The Song of Life (1922) The Dangerous Age (1923) The Enemy (1916) The Message of the Mouse (1917) The Son of Wallingford (1921) The Flaming Hour (1922) Shadows of the Past (1914) Two Women (1919) Shadows of the Past (1919) The Vengeance of Durand (1919) Slaves of Pride (1920) Trumpet Island (1920) Dead Men Tell No Tales (1920) The Hoyden (1911) Her Humble Ministry (1911) A Good Turn (1911) The Professor's Ward (1911) The Matchmaker (1911) The Path of Genius (1912) The Mystery (1912) The Joy Ride (1912) Ethel's Sacrifice (1912) The Antique Ring (1912) The Way Out (1913) The Inventor's Sketch (1913) Lure of the Yukon (1924) Rolling Stones (1916) Her Mad Bargain (1921) A Question of Honor (1922) Lovebound (1923) Daughters of the Rich (1923) Bluff (1924) The Love Wager (1927)
| Blondes by Choice (1927) Daddy's Double (1910) Cinderella (1911) I Should Worry (1914) Boy for a Day (1914) A Hasty Exit (1914) As the Shadows Fall (1915) Gilded Youth (1915) Blue Blood (1918) With Hoops of Steel (1918) The Silver Girl (1919) Dice of Destiny (1920) Drag Harlan (1920) Across the Deadline (1922) The Empty Cradle (1923) Joe Boko's Adventures (1916) Dreamy Dud Has a Laugh on the Boss (1916) Putting One Over on Ignatz (1917) The Valley of Beautiful Things (1917) The Lair of the Wolf (1917) Galloping Vengeance (1925) Border Justice (1925) The Secret Outlaw (1928) Kitty from Killarney (1926) The Arizona Whirlwind (1927) Flying Wheels (1926) The Divorce Dodger (1926) Sweetheart Daze (1926) The Little Pest (1927) In for Life (1927) Doctors Prefer Brunettes (1927) The Ambuscade (1928) Outwitted (1925) Cold Nerve (1925) Perils of the Rail (1926) Daughters of Desire (1929) An Affair for the Police (1914) Love's Law (1917) The Menace (1918) Social Quicksands (1918) The Miracle of Love (1919) The Long Chance (1915) Sawdust Trail (1924) Mary Moreland (1917) The Dupe (1916) Paroled from the Big House (1938) Street Fakers (1915) Tale of a Tire (1915) Mustaches and Bombs (1915) Off for a Boat Ride (1915)