Makom, Avoda (1998) Ben Gurion (1997) Pesel Ha'Zahav (1999) Seger (2002) Melech HaRating (2002) Quator des possibles, Le (1993) Flöz Dickebank - Wir sind mittlerweile wachgeworden (1975) Einmal Bonn und zurück (1982) Keine Startbahn West - Eine Region wehrt sich (1982) Das Kalte Paradies (1986) Der Sprinter (1996) Deckname Dennis (1997) Механика счастья (1982) A South African Love Story - Walter and Albertina Sisulu (2004) Um Certo Dorival Caymmi (1999) Dadá (2001) Rit over de grens (1994) Farewell Pavel (1999) Now Boarding (2001) Achter de dijk met miek muts (1991) The Look of Happiness (2001) Морские монстры (2003) The PrioryOnly Home I've Got (1979) Heroines (2001) Celluloid Dreams (2002) Sur le pont d'Avignon (1951) Let's All Sing Together: No. 6 (1945) Let's All Sing Together: No. 5 (1945) Knud (1966) Sisimiut (1966) Listen to the Prairies (1945) The Boy Who Stopped Niagara (1947) Gala artistique (1949) Choral Concert (1949) Children's Concert (1949) After Prison What? (1951) Winter Week-end: Revised (1952) Winter Week-end (1952) Voices from Acadia (1952) Оперная школа (1952) Shadow on the Prairie: A Canadian Ballet (1953) Rehearsal (1953) Mission Ship (1953) Let's Talk About Films (1953) In Search of Home (1953) Inland Seaport (1953) Côté cour... côté jardin (1953) The Stratford Adventure (1954) Quartier chinois (1955) Look Alert, Stay Unhurt (1955)
| Albero, L' (1997) Pranzo onirico, Il (1997) La Verità (1998) Dolce attesa (1999) Vita non violenta, Una (1999) Talpa al bioparco, Una (2004) Siguiendo el buen camino: Por las tierras de España. El Paraíso de España. Islas Bale (1971) Siguiendo el buen camino: Por las playas de España. La Costa Dorada. De Sitges a Casas de Alcan (1971) Siguiendo el buen camino: Por las playas de España. La Costa Dorada. De Malgrat a Sitges (1971) Pop sin paff (1973) Año de guerra, Un (1937) Goyeneche (1966) Caprice of the Mountains (1916) Little Miss Happiness (1916) El Camino del cielo (1971) Son dedicado al mundo (1972) Poquito de agua, Un (1995) Para servirlo (2004) Miracle (2000) Und sahen was zu machen war... (1994) Sparta B'Galil (1989) Al Dente (1998) Transmitting From the Borderline (1998) Glowing in the Dark (1997) Culture Jam: Hijacking Commercial Culture (2001) Basketball Headliners of 1954 (1954) Mästarnas match - Ingo vs. Floyd (1959) Bluenose Schooner (1943) Prairie Homes (1947) La Mort de Cambyse (1909) Idylle corinthienne (1909) Huguenot, Le (1909) Don Quichotte (1909) Printemps, Le (1909) La Mère du moine (1909) Judith et Holopherne (1909) La Possession de l'enfant (1909) Savetier et le financier, Le (1909) La Mort de Mozart (1909) La Légende des phares (1909) Fra Vincenti (1909) La Chatte métamorphosée en femme (1909) Les Filles du cantonnier (1909) La Cigale et la fourmi (1909) Surviving in L.A. (2005) Épisode (1968) Rendezvous (1958) Memory of Summer (1958) Pierre Beaulieu agriculteur (1959) Circle of the Sun (1960)
| High Arctic: Life on the Land (1958) The Face of the High Arctic (1958) High Arctic (1959) Life in the Woodlot (1960) The Edge of the Barrens (1964) Canada: White Goods (1963) Canada: Tobacco (1963) Waterfowl: A Resource in Danger (1964) Legault's Place (1964) Flight for Tomorrow (1947) Double Cross (1956) Between the Tides (1959) Дилан Томас (1962) Unearthly Stranger (1963) Five Have a Mystery to Solve (1964) Дикие крылья (1966) Да будет свет (1969) Энергия в перспективе (1976) The Orgasm Raygun (1998) Отель Терминус: Время и жизнь Клауса Барби (1988) Laura Sobers (1994) Broken Reality (1994) After (1997) Lives of the Pharaohs (2001) Heaven! (1993) Down the Rabbit Hole (1993) Dangerous Water (1994) Xanini (1999) Ch' anantskua (1999) Volver a ver (2003) Uaricha en la muerte (2004) Día dos (2004) Korpus: La fiesta de los oficios (2004) Niña... canica (1995) Walkman (2003) Barrenador (2004) Mysteries of July (1991) The Darker Side of Black (1993) Victor Millan (1968) Second souffle (1993) Yellow Fella (2005) The Third Note (2000) Harvey (2001) Queen of Hearts (2003) Dieter Roth (2003) Der Vierte König (1983) Frite mania (1989) Jackass Johnny (1989) Rota de Colisão (1999) Cunnamulla (2000)