Rough Ridin' (1924) The Iron Rider (1926) Fighting with Buffalo Bill (1926) Speeding Hoofs (1927) Code of the Cow Country (1927) The Two Fister (1927) Menace of the Mounted (1927) The Air Patrol (1928) The Star Boarder (1920) Let 'er Go (1920) Home Talent (1921) By Heck (1921) Be Reasonable (1921) The Girl Who Won Out (1917) The Spirit of '17 (1918) Mutt and Jeff on the Job (1911) Meeting Theda Bara (1918) The Parlor Bolshevist (1920) Cleopatra (1920) The Lion Hunters (1921) The Ventriloquist (1921) Dr. Killjoy (1921) Factory to Consumer (1921) The Naturalist (1921) A Crazy Idea (1921) The Vacuum Cleaner (1921) Mademoiselle Fifi (1921) It's a Bear (1921) Gathering Coconuts (1921) The Far North (1921) A Hard Shell Game (1921) A Rare Bird (1921) Flivvering (1921) The Glue Factory (1921) Cold Tea (1921) The Gusher (1921) Watering the Elephants (1921) Far East (1921) Training Woodpeckers (1921) Touring (1921) A Shocking Idea (1921) The Tong Sandwich (1921) The Stampede (1921) The Painter's Frolic (1921) Not Wedded But with a Wife (1921) Darkest Africa (1921) Crows and Scarecrows (1921) The Turkish Bath (1921) Shadowed (1921) Village Cutups (1921)
| A Yoke of Gold (1916) The Cheer Leader (1928) The House of Shame (1928) The Peacock Fan (1929) Circumstantial Evidence (1929) No License (1921) Movie Struck (1921) Oh! Tessie! (1921) Truck Horse Bandit (1921) A Cheese Romance (1921) Rubbing It In (1921) Meet My Husband (1921) Rubes and Boobs (1921) An Awful Bull (1921) The Skylark (1921) While New York Snores (1921) The Chump (1921) The Champ (1921) Why Marry? (1924) Get Busy (1924) Flapper Fever (1924) Friend Husband (1924) Stick Around (1925) A Two-Fisted Sheriff (1925) Wolves of the Road (1925) The Strange Rider (1925) Alma, Where Do You Live? (1917) Eyes Right! (1926) Tentacles of the North (1926) The Greater Obligation (1916) A Modern Mother Goose (1917) Do Children Count? (1917) The Kingdom of Hope (1917) All Aboard (1937) Rainbow Range (1929) Sting of the Scorpion (1923) Pioneer Days (1917) Hellhounds of the West (1922) Four Hearts (1922) Fearless Dick (1922) Ridin' Thru (1923) Playing Double (1923) Blood Test (1923) In the West (1923) The Unblazed Trail (1923) The Seventh Sheriff (1923) The Golden Flame (1923) Trouble Trail (1924) Sagebrush Gospel (1924) Western Fate (1924)
| The Whirlwind Ranger (1924) Two Fisted Justice (1924) Horse Sense (1924) Come on Cowboys! (1924) Battling Travers (1925) The Cactus Cure (1925) The Rip Snorter (1925) A Western Engagement (1925) Where Romance Rides (1925) Ridin' Easy (1925) The Secret of Black Canyon (1925) Range Justice (1925) My Pal (1925) Warrior Gap (1925) Roaring Bill Atwood (1926) In Broncho Land (1926) Temporary Sheriff (1926) He-Man's Country (1926) Action Craver (1927) Saddle Jumpers (1927) The Boss of Rustler's Roost (1928) Romance of the West (1930) The Indians Are Coming (1930) The Vanishing Legion (1931) Comrade John (1915) The Door Between (1917) Crooked Streets (1920) Hush Money (1921) Jazzland (1928) The Riding Comet (1925) The Virtuous Model (1919) The Mystery Mind (1920) Those Who Dare (1924) A Song a Day (1936) Happy You and Merry Me (1936) Happy Scouts (1938) Soup to Mutts (1939) Little Tough Mice (1939) Bola-Mola Land (1939) Mystery Valley (1928) Bullets and Justice (1929) The Arizona Kid (1929) The Fable of the Back-Trackers from the Hot Sidewalks (1917) Sadie Goes to Heaven (1917) Northern Code (1925) The Eyes of the Totem (1927) The Heart of the Yukon (1927) Hearts of Men (1928) Fools for Luck (1917) Two-Bit Seats (1917)